Wednesday, April 1

Aurat ki Taakat... and a Trending Video

So guess who got interviewed and published...

Indeed, your very own ME!! You can read my interview by clicking here

As awesome as that feels, I also realised that I've been extremely irregular in connecting with you fellas. This blog has given me some great feedback and some amazing followers, and I am not doing justice to you'all when I write once in a quarter. But you know how it is... New mommyhood is priority and I am already juggling a full-time career with that alongwiwth household responsibilities. So, when the man of the house decides to not chip in for any chore and the little one decides to not take it easy even for a moment, yours truly has to morph into Devi Durga and put all ten hands to task. 

Yeah, hail women power! 

Speaking of which, how many of you watched and appreciated and enthusiastically shared the new Deepika Padukone video titled "My Choice"? Watch it here before you read on and form your own opinion so that you do not get influenced by what I have to say... 

While Facebooking, I came across this Vogue video shared by multiple men and women touting it to be the next BIG thing. Somehow most of us consider it our moral duty to support anything hashtagged women empowerment. We become completely blind to the original message, especially when it is propagated by a glam babe. Within the first few seconds, I felt that the video was hyped and hogwash. If women can do anything under the pretext of feminism and freedom, then we ought not to judge men who live by the same ideology. Coz if a woman is permitted to have an extramarital affair and philander as she pleases, then why do we harass men under the tag of harassment when they behave likewise? The video stank of superficiality, though Deepika Padukone sizzled. Loved her hair in the video. 

Needless to say, it went viral and received a fair share of criticism and slander. Spoofs were made and people lashed out in their own way, a very fitting one by someone called (also) Deepika (full name Deepika Narayan Bharadwaj). Read here what she said to the Logical Indian.

So there, after Aamir Khan and his AIB tirade, you have Deepika joining the bandwagon and falling flat on her face.

Life otherwise has been pretty okay. Watching my bub (now 4.5 months old) is a miracle each day, and his smile sets the awriest of moods and toughest of times right. He's already proving himself a stubborn and smart brat, naughty and cheerful, super active and handsome. Let's see how the coming years groom him.

And I hear him whining in his sleep. Gotta go check.

Be back sooner this time, I promise. 

Until then, take it easy pal!



1 comment:

SiD said...

"My Choice" – Male Version

Love, Forever

 She stepped into the shower, Her body enveloped in warmth, The only thing more satisfying Was her lover's embrace divine. She remembere...