Saturday, March 28


“He’s getting married.”
"He called yesterday, said he was getting married later this month.”
Long silence.
"You feeling bad?”
"I don’t know why this is making me feel like crying... It’s not that I love him or anything, and I know my agreeing to be with him for life will bring nothing but disaster... He's a great guy and everything, but we've just moved too far apart now... Still... It bothers me somehow..."
"I know what you mean, I myself am feeling horrible.”
"I’m surprised I’m sad! This was bound to happen someday or the other, and yet... Me feeling this way... Stupid, right?”
"Not at all... It’s like you start considering something your own, and then even when you don’t use it, you feel no one else should either.”
"Ya, that’s exactly what it is. Its crazy but I always thought he’d never marry before me, if you know what I mean...”
"I thought so, too. But I guess he will move on, can’t wait and stay like that forever.”
"Hmmm... Part of me is guessing this is a joke. You know April Fool’s is just around the corner.”
"I don’t think this is joke.”
"I don’t know. He sounded pretty serious. The details he gave were flawless.”
"I believe this is the truth.”
"Heyyy... why you crying?!!”
"I don’t know. But look, you’re crying as well!”
"Hehe. Now ain’t this ridiculous? What were both of us expecting?!!”
"Are you OK?”
"Ya, I’m fine. The instant I cut the phone, I felt a little dizzy and lost. Couldn’t see or understand what was happening, couldn’t focus on anything... But, I’m ok...”
"Get his kundali. Let’s just check...”
"Hullo? He’s getting married to someone else! He loves someone else!! And now...”
"Call him, let me wish him.”
"Nooo... Forget it... This is something like Sazaa-e-Chinchpokli - a dilemma where no solution is completely optimal!”
"He's a nice guy..."
"I know... I really am not sure whether this is a joke or not. He often does these crazy things to entice me so I panic and take some action that prompts our interaction. But, he sounded so honest..."
"He invited me for a get-together sometime next week. A few friends, his new mate, a small party of sorts. I said I won’t come...”
"Hmm... Will you be fine?”
"I’m ok.”
"I’ll be back.”
"Sure. No problem.”

Wheeee.... The breeze blew over the mountains and dashed against the apartment walls. What a respite from the tepid afternoons...

Beep Beep.
“3 days to go... April Fool.”

1 comment:

Sibi said...

Woww..I dont know wat uwrote is fiction or true but wateva u wrote was worth reading..The sequence in which you go,you keep the reader busy and occupied all the time..No chance to take the eye off untill the reader reaches the end of the post.
Good to read your words..I have said this a million times before and will say a zillion times more..Just coz you deserve it...

Love, Forever

 She stepped into the shower, Her body enveloped in warmth, The only thing more satisfying Was her lover's embrace divine. She remembere...