Thursday, November 27

Whatta Thanksgiving!!

It's getting really cold in Pune, and I'm enjoying it! It's fun wearing woollens and jackets and stoles and mufflers that have been stacked up all year. What's not so great is getting up in the mornings for work, but that's nothing new, is it?!!!

Work's borrrrrrring... I'm SO sick of
business development, that I can't push myself any further towards attaining those silly sales goals single-handedly. I'm really looking forward to a trip this weekend - will blow the cobwebs from my brain and rejuvenate me, my tumbling spirits and emotions.

Heard about those firings and blasts in Mumbai last night? Whew, scary. Especially coz my bro's in Mumbai. The local trains were suspended, and apparently the schools, share market, banks and other offices are all taking the day off for safety sake. I just can't understand what these crazy terrorists want. And I'm infuriated coz the Govt is acting like a helpless pawn. Far from being proactive and effective, we're not even good at reacting efficiently. News-channels claim there are more than a 100 still held hostage by young men in jeans, apart from the 100-odd people who died in the 11 attacks in South Mumbai, including the Taj - the WTC of India.

I've given up on this topic. I know nothing's gonna come out of it. We're always gona be this way. Retiring and terrified, nonchalant and incompetent. We are adept at harassing our own citizens, but we're complete losers when it comes to giving the nation a good name and sturdy frame. We are experts at dirty politics, yet we can't even fight back with those who are playing the same game and causing havoc. I think dealing with terrorists can wait; let's sort out our politicians and bureaucrats first...
Apologies for the outburst. Let's talk about books to calm me down...

Hey, one of the attacks happened at Leopold's. That's a cafe in South Mumbai, and it rung a bell coz I've read about it in Shantaram... (For some beautiful lessons, read
this and this and this. Great book!)

About the
Mahabharata , here's piece of info - the dwapar yuga belonged to the kshatriyas and the kali yuga belongs to the shudras. So, possibly one way to explain the wealth and comfort of the business tycoons could be that they are the higher and purer folks of previous ages, and they are enjoying a good life thanks to their previous karma. The others who are suffering, could be the lower ones who have not done so well before, and they will now rise in revolt and do something to annihilate the entire community. And poof, end of this age. Pop goes the weasel.

By the way, here's the latest - India was slated to be the next super power in 2020. Rumors say this has been preponed thanks to the current global crisis. Well, I don't see how useful that is for me, as that doesn't spell an end to our
salary worries...

I don't seem to be able to think of anything to share today. Have a few drafts saved up , but don't feel like posting today. Take a break, fellas. Will be back fresh and chatty as ever tomorrow!

Happy Thanksgiving!
(Thanks to the Almighty we are all well and hearty, and for the million ways in which we are luckier than others...)

Love always,

P.S : Hey friends, there's a new buddy in the gang! Pls say hello to dear Bandru who lives under my Shelfari on the left :-) He's a mighty cute and energetic chap! Oh, and he says he loves you all! Now whatta fine guy... No monkey tricks!!

1 comment:

Sibi said...

First of all hi bandru.i heard bat u a day before n very glad to meet u.V r coming to meet u.Yupuuu.
Yeah its really getting cold here in pune.The other day i went out at 5 in the morning for a cuppa tea and i ended up spilling it on my hands due to shivering..
And well bat terrorists,every time they do nything like this hey prove how weak v r tho v luk powerful on records.
I mean to get inside Taj hotel with a pack of ammunition tat cud last for daz,hello wats r security doin or rather whr's the security?
I hope v get things under control soon with no more people dying.
ready to rock n roll.
Have a memorable weekend.

Love, Forever

 She stepped into the shower, Her body enveloped in warmth, The only thing more satisfying Was her lover's embrace divine. She remembere...