Monday, August 21

Why Me?!!

I know this is a ridiculous and foolhardy question, especially when thousands are battling for their health and existence worldwide. But you tend to compare yourself with those up the ladder, and not below. Human nature, what you got is never enough and the grass is always greener on the other side...

The normal reactions of dealing with any change (as I learnt in my own Change Management class) are Shock, Anger, Resistance, Acceptance, Action and Monitor Progress. I seem to have gone through the entire cycle - but the loop keeps bringing me back to Anger after Action.

I was told by my friends and social circle that I'm a model for others, that I seem to have my act together, and I inspire others. Time for me to reveal just how fragile and vulnerable I am. Day after day. Slogging on. Hoping for a better tomorrow. Praying things work out okay and I manage to be happy. At peace. I fail. Every single (or alternate) day.

I wasn't born into an affluent family, though I did not have to make any major sacrifices or strive tremendously hard for anything. Yet, at the back of my mind, I always knew money was scarce, and I had to be careful about my future and expenses. I was bullied at school by my classmates for being dark complexioned and at home by my brother coz I was the ideal kid for my parents. My life was focused around making my family proud of me, and getting off their back as soon as possible to relieve them of duty and stress. Made me an immensely adaptive child in Transactional Analysis terms, even as I maintained my Free Child spirit. I was inwardly introvert and scared, though confident and carefree externally. I hated my childhood and could not wait to grow up.

I started doing odd jobs in college to earn pocket money, this included doing day jobs in marketing promotions and writing the odd article/poem in local newspapers to earn fame and finance support. I was excellent at academics, and ironically everything I worked hard for, I could not achieve - the scholarships in school and college, important job interviews, study abroad opportunities and relationships, whether friendly or romantic. Nothing lasted. I always felt incomplete, unaccomplished. Nothing really mattered. Nothing really gave pleasure. Not those silly parties that others boasted off, endless clubbing that makes teens feel liberated, and I did not possess the selfless streak to engage in social service and stuff.

I got married for love. I was elated that I'd finally nailed it. Made something of my life that would bring me happiness and complete me. Karma wasn't done testing me or maybe my sins were not repaid yet. I fought society and my parents to marry my spouse and his family. My husband abandoned me, sometimes for his colleagues and other times for his family. I couldn't wrap my head around it - how could somebody that was my world, be so uncaring towards me and not be concerned or responsible for how I felt and what I wanted? How could I be ignored and abused all the time? The few moments of joy that I was blessed with, made me feel it was all worth it, that the strife and conflicts were normal and happened in all relationships. That marriages survived, and spouses were meant to be for life.

Unloved. Unwanted. Fighting and demanding things. From my own husband who treated me like I did not matter. That I did not belong. I remained incomplete.

Educated and intelligent - I think I am extremely unworthy of these tags. If I was, I probably would not have to go through all that I have. I thought illiterate, helpless women in slums were abused and exploited, and made stupid decisions. I chose to have a baby when things were already fragile between me and my husband. I should have quit right then, rather than spoiling my life plus one. I knew my in laws were hopeless, manipulative creeps and I chose to bring another being under their sick influence. I got to get an award for being so dumb. I got a son, a beautiful and amazing creature, a gift from the gods to make my life worth living and loving.

I have given up trying to explain myself to anyone, but it hurts you know. It hurts to be so misunderstood and disliked for being genuine. I return kindness a 100 fold and try to be a forgiving, optimistic person. I fail on most days, like today. But I go on, hope creeps in, in one form or the other and gives me strength to survive another day.

I admire people who have been dealt the worst in life, and they still take in their stride and trudge on with a smile on their face.

Thankfully, there are some people who understand and appreciate me for who I am, but the majority cannot deal with it, and it's okay.

What is not okay is that my misery seems endless.

I know joy and sorrow are two sides of the same coin, and one follows the other, neither stays forever. I'm praying that happy days arrive soon, and stay awhile, helping me gather strength for any more difficulties that lie ahead.

Coz we're all equal, and have our own troubles, and God stands by our side through thick and thin.

We shall get through this :-)

And I did! The best way to mend your mood is to do something for someone else.

After a long time, I did Tarot reading sessions for some of my acquaintances and helping them instantly raised my spirit. I can't help solve your problems, but I can help you find hope and be prepared for what lies ahead. And sometimes, that's enough.

Stay strong!


Wednesday, August 16

Vent Wagon

Need a vent joint early in the morning, and I'm going to do this right here....


Note: No names are mentioned in this post, but all characters are real and tend to be very very irritating.

Perfection is impossible in the world, incompetence is common, arrogance abundant!

Behaviours that have been triggering me for the last decade...

Lack of ownership, responsibility and gratitude - People want things done for them, but cannot be bothered to do even a teeny bit for others. Everything they get is their prerogative, and the meagre bit that they do for others is a generous favour. Even if they do something upon your (repeat) request will be done halfheartedly and it shows in the poor quality of work, until you finally shrug and I say "Never mind, I'll just do it myself. Why did I even tell you!" What's worse is some people applaud them for doing nothing, and they scarcely even realise what they're doing wrong or not doing at all! Expect and demand from others, not return anything in cash or kind, and no gratitude as well - that's the cherry on top! Get them Sarahah accounts now, will you... 

Misplaced priorities - How the hell can anyone not have basic sense about what matters in life? Work seems to be more important than family, and even in family, spouses get ignored due to the inconsiderate requirements of parents or vice versa. Some folks I know tend to compartmentalise - I've been told "weekdays are only for office and colleagues, I will spend weekends with my wife and kids" - check the cheek! How about only breathing all week and then only eating over the weekends? Life is all about balance. And then they expect you to be okay with their choices and their decisions, in which obviously you have no say coz that's an encroachment on their privacy and freedom. Duh! Like, really?! I never believed in personal space, though I do value it's significance. However, when you carve out personal space time from the 10% time you give someone, then that's pushing it too far. Time and tide, and most importantly people, do not wait for anyone. If you let someone be alone too long, they will walk off sooner or later - either to someone that values them more, or they will find themselves so complete that they do not need anyone at all, not even you. And that can pinch. A little effort goes a long way. 

Possessiveness and insecurity - About relationships, understandable. About work? Why? It's not like someone can take your knowledge and expertise away from you! Even if you share everything you got, people will only be able to take as much as they comprehend, and that is where your exclusivity lies. And if they make it better, then that's something for you to learn! Insecurity and secrecy, especially at the workplace can do more harm than good, for your career and reputation. Besides, teaching once is learning twice (which is exactly what I do as a trainer and coach).

That there can be many behaviors more upsetting than the above is probable. Having said that, the only person we can change is ourself and the only thing we can change is our response to circumstances.

Learn on!


Monday, August 14

The Fake Life

I could have written sooner, I wanted to. That my (ex) husband was stalking my blog made me hold back from sharing what I had in my life and heart.

It's been a month, a very engaging one, a very happy one at that. I had a fab birthday, with lots of love and fun pouring in from all quarters. I've watched many movies, some good ones (Lipstick Under my Burkha) and others that missed making a mark (Jab Harry met Sejal, Despicable Me 3). Toilet has mixed reviews, and hence off my watch list for now. I did enjoy my experience at the Mystery Room though - an exciting team building activity with my colleagues. We played Hurt Locker and emerged victorious, gold metal et al. Bounty was a letdown, though, as was Classic Rock Baner. Easy to open a joint, tough to maintain it and provide consistent service and memories, each time. So true for relationships as well. Easy to commence, tough to uphold and deliver, time after time.

What's the brouhaha about Sarahah anyway? All I know is that it is a platform to send and receive anonymous feedback. Duh?!! Since when have we really sought and appreciated genuine feedback? People are scared to say what they've got in their head and hearts, and being fake is the norm whether at home or work. People like me who carry their heart on their sleeve and vent out all that's on their radar get judged and criticised, and then comes this app which allows people to do the same thing behind curtains. How authentic is their reaction? How willingly does one accept it? Everyone I know if posting their Sarahah ID's and sharing their messages on Facebook. Someone I know got a "you need to work on your social skills" that she readily dismissed, whereas someone got "I've had a crush on you forever" that was applauded. 

Millenials, I tell you. A confident, confused lot - the bunch of them. Immensely talented, yet most of them clueless or passionless. Want quick pleasures, yet superficial when it comes to friendships and relationships. No wonder we're got tons of research on them, right from Simon Sinek to random comedians. I've been working with fresh grads for over 2 years now at Hitachi Consulting. I'm a millenial too, BTW, so no offence to anyone in particular. Just that apps like Sarahah are popular despite the negative response on so many levels. 

Work has been hectic and fulfilling, as has my personal life. Friendship Day and Rakhi, Janmashtami and Independence Day - Aarush has brought a lot of homework and variety in my life as well, what with his school and extra curricular activities. I'll be traveling to Hyderabad soon, for work obviously. Until then, its running around the clock, tick tock tick tock.

Hope you're afloat and making merry. Everything is for the best, even though it doesn't seem so right now. Keep the faith. Love yourself. Someone does too, even though your being together is disastrous. And you'll find another, much better one, if you haven't already. 



Love, Forever

 She stepped into the shower, Her body enveloped in warmth, The only thing more satisfying Was her lover's embrace divine. She remembere...