Tuesday, May 17

Things Fall Apart... And how...

I want you to miss me,
I want you to want me all the time;
To know that I’m the one and only for you,
I’d give my last and only dime.

I want to hear you sigh,
I want to listen to you say;
I made a difference like nobody never before,
That I was perfect for you in every way.

They tell me I ought to get over you,
The fools they know not the pain;
Even now when I see you looking at me,
It makes me blush, drives me insane.

As you strut around without a worry,
I yearn to sneak a peek at what’s inside;
I want to hope against hope it’s a mess,
That within me your peace and joy reside.

I want to know I was your pillar,
I seek to hear you made a blunder;
That you’d never find another like me coz I
Was meant to be your lifelong companion and lover.

Just how foolish could I be,
How naïve and injudicious;
To trust someone like you with my heart,
Was a move silly, lethal and capricious.

Fate’s but a funny thing,
For those that stand and watch;
For me, it was the harbinger of disappointment and dread,
When my sorrow climbed another notch.

I say I’m better off now,
With an uneasiness in my heart;
I know we could have been together,
But now we’re miles apart.

I have no one but me to blame,
And as I look for my gaffes and errs;
I look at you stalking other targets,
And my spirit’s about to burst.

Oh to be as brazen as you,
So phony and awfully devious;
And portray an image so hate-able,
Calm, manipulative and mischievous.

I wipe a silent tear,
As I teach my mind to beware;
I know daily zillion tears like mine are shed,
Coz a million of you lurk everywhere.

I wish I could say watch out,
The worst for you is yet to come;
But I know justice is a myth,
And hoping for it is dumb.

I say a sullen prayer,
Ridding my mind of hate and gloom,
Coz I see a garden void of deceit,
And flowers soon shall bloom.

Stay happy…



s said...

Loved it :)

Vishal Bheeroo said...

Intense, deep and beautiful:)

Love, Forever

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