He loved her.
He loved her not.
He loved her.
He loved her not.
He loved her.
He loved her not.
The petals of the pink rose were quickly diminishing.
Was it a wise idea to gauge the authenticity of his feelings by trusting the number of petals in a flower?
What if one had dropped by itself before he had handed it to her?
Too bad. That’s a chance she would have to take.
He loved her.
He loved her not.
Tweet Tweet… Tweet Tweet SMS…
Blank message.
He said blank messages meant he was thinking of her and missed her.
Of that she had no doubt.
She knew she made a difference to his life.
As had he.
But love?
Now that was a little dubious.
And if she be permitted, scary.
Love hurt, and she’d learnt her lesson not so long ago.
He loved her.
He loved her not.
Tring Tring…
“Hey babes, what you doing?”
“Nothing much. What you up to?”
“I’m missing you. Just thought you should know.”
He loved her.
And she didn’t need rose petals to prove that.
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