Monday, March 8

Happy Women's Day!

I know some of you think that male-bashing is my favorite subject and pastime. But trust me, I love both genders for their peculiarities and specialities. In fact, I’d say that I like women as they are connected to their and others’ emotions, and I like men because they are fun company.

(Want to expand your vocabulary? A man-hater is a misandrist and a woman-hater is a misogynist.)

Know what? Just like men want to fool around with a sexy siren and marry a virgin, girls want to date boys and finally wed a gentleman. Fair enough, eh?

Anyways, let me wish all you female readers a VERY HAPPY WOMEN’S DAY.

(I know ladies say they don’t think just ONE day needs to be celebrated, but they love the pampering nevertheless, so let the passion flow!)

And the men who are reading this, move your butt and start wishing the feminine folk around you.

(They’ll hate you less, though they might poke fun at your sentimental side. So they laugh at your expense and start liking you; not that bad a deal, right?)

Here are a few ways to make your woman feel special today… some that I’ve thought of myself, and others that I’ve picked off the net. Oh, and you might check out 10 things while you’re still reading this…

1. Tell her you love her. A hundred times. (You do that already? All right, make it a million. Don’t stop.)

2. Do something to surprise her. (I mean surprise, NOT shock.) So, give her flowers or buy her chocolates or anything else that she likes. It could even be not leaving the towel and dirty linen around or taking her out for an impromptu coffee or drive. Or even keeping everything aside and spending some quality time just listening to her…

3. Tell her how special she is, and how your life is so much better because of her. Make her feel wanted and adored. Thank her for her commitment and sacrifices. And mean it. Saying sorry is not such a bad thing…

4. Treat her the same as your friends. Of course, give her more priority and be protective and courteous, but don’t make her think that you relax and enjoy more with your gang than with her. Share your problems and plans, and make her feel involved and respected. Take her opinions and know her desires. After all, she loves you! Don’t make her feel taken for granted, disrespected or not taken seriously. And most importantly, DON’T treat anyone else the same as you treat her. Let her be the sole recipient of all your excesses and granted liberties.

5. Let people “see” that you love her. Oh yes! A woman thinks a lot about what others think of her and her relationships. So, if you can show that your love “shows”, then she can’t argue that she cannot “see” your love. Confused? Don’t bother. Just do it. Private compliments, praise in public, light PDA like holding hands and caressing her (if appropriate), chivalry and romance – bring it on!

Well, five is a good number for starters, and if you can do all of the above, I can guarantee you a more blissful relationship with your partner.

Right, ladies? ;-)

And if there’s NO one to make you feel special, why weep? DIY or Do It Yourself is the name of the game… Watch a movie alone and eat all the popcorn yourself (WOW! No sharing!), go shopping and buy something unusual like a weird shade of lipstick or corset, or just take a quiet walk in the park or sit by the lake… Life is beautiful and you’re your favorite person!

Love ya!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Just like men want to fool around with a sexy siren and marry a virgin, girls want to date boys and finally wed a gentleman." I loved this line :-) Am going to use it often from now on ;-)

tweeted about it, too! Reading your list of to-do for men, I now wish I had someone who would do all of that to me :-(

Love, Forever

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